PRF hair regrowth treatment in Lahore Pakistan is performed at our clinic. Male pattern baldness is very common and patients often seek advice and help from the specialist. Previously PRP ( platelet rich plasma ) was a commonly performed procedure for hair fall control but it has less potential to regenerate or regrow hair. Though there are some results of PRP, it lacks the ability to give reasonable yield and look and give adequate strength to the weak follicles for growth. PRF – platelet rich fibrin has great potential for regeneration and visible improvement in the look.
Injectable PRF hair regrowth treatment Lahore Pakistan
Injectable platelet rich fibrin is an advanced version in liquid form and is injected into the scalp like PRP. However, this platelet rich fibrin contains stem cells and more concentrated growth factors. Normally male pattern baldness type VI and VII are difficult to treat through hair transplant surgery due to inadequate donor area but Injectable PRF has shown good results in such types of baldness. This treatment does not have any failure rate if performed by a qualified , expert surgeon like Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry.
Case # 2
Improvement after single treatment and needs 3 session for regrowth.
Platelet rich Fibrin treatment results
i-PRF hair regrowth treatment cost in Lahore Pakistan
There are two options to regenerate hairs.
B – PRF stem cells ( platelet rich fibrin) for hair regrowth = 60,000 Rs. Only one session is enough and no need to come again & again.
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