Microgreffe cheveux implant capillaire


Microgreffe cheveux implant capillaire est une meilleure solution pour la calvitie et l’amincissement des cheveux. La chute des cheveux débute en hommes ainsi que chez les femmes. Perte de cheveux 80-100 par jour est une question de routine si ce sont plus de 100 alors on devrait obtenir une consultation de spécialiste clinique. Spécialiste du traitement de la perte de cheveux vous guider si votre restauration de cheveux est possible grâce à la médecine ou façon chirurgicale. Il existe deux méthodes de greffe de cheveux et ce qui est le mieux dans votre cas.

Baldness stages

Hair restoration using micro graft hair transplant involves transplanting healthy follicles into bald patches on the head. There are between one and three hairs per follicle in a micro-graft. Micrograft donor patches are made up of these follicles. In micrografting, the donor site is either on your side or the back of your head.

Hair loss causes

Micro grafting – what is it?

Anesthesia is usually administered during the micro-grafting procedure so that the patient cannot feel any pain. The micro graft hair transplant procedure reduces discomfort for the patient. With this method, the patient can understand what is happening without feeling uneasy.

A local anesthetic is hence then used to numb your entire scalp before the hair treatment procedure fully begins. You will be numbed on both the recipient and donor sides. A small amount of hair is trimmed after the donor area is measured.

You will inject saline solution into your scalp. By doing so, you can remove tissue more easily. Next, the donated tissue is removed. A long strip of tissue is removed. Scalpels are used to remove the tissue strips. Your healthy follicles will be included in the incision.

How is this procedure administered?

Trimming or cutting close to the scalp is required to remove strands from the area. Then the skin and donor’s area are removed to the desired amount. After the skin and tresses have been removed, they are processed under magnification for division. Then, you’ll have them placed in an almost exact matching pattern and direction with your natural hair. The donor site has been stitched, bandaged, and closed. There will be some scarring, but it is only detectable under scrutiny. It shouldn’t be a major cause for the concern since the strands will somehow grow in just a lesser time.

Thus, micro graft hair transplant is usually done just under local anesthesia to keep the patient from completely feeling any pain. By doing so, the patient will feel less pain. In this way, the patient knows what’s going on without feeling uneasy about it. 

Hair Transplant Grafts: What You Should Know

Based on your preferences and desired results, you can choose from follicular unit grafts, micrografts, mini grafts, maxigrafts, or strands plugs. There are pros and cons to each kind, so make sure you research them before deciding.

Finally, don’t forget to check out the cost of the different procedures. You may want to check into the possibility of having the micro graft hair transplant procedure performed in a country where the price is lower, especially in the United States.

To feel confident about taking the next step, you should try out non-invasive options before getting a procedure. You still need to exercise caution when choosing the correct method, even if most grafts claim to be safe.

Getting different opinions from different doctors is an excellent way to understand your condition better. You should be consulting the doctor first and they will examine the entire scalp for you to let you know if you are the right candidate for it or not.


Paying for micro graft hair transplant surgery will have to be done on your own. Prices tend to be higher. This is because these services are not at all covered by insurance, the cost is even found to be higher. The cost varies between $3 and $10 per graft, so the total can reach several thousand dollars, potentially up to twenty thousand dollars, depending on the area that needs to be covered and where you live.

Infection and scarring are also risks associated with transplantation. And you cannot guarantee that the results will be what you want. If you consider this, thoroughly investigate your cosmetic surgeon and ensure that they have experience in this field and are board-certified.

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