Hair transplant surgery South Africa

Hair transplant surgery South Africa patient traveled abroad to our clinic for his baldness treatment. Hair loss is becoming a common problem that is faced by a large number of people these days. The reason for alopecia can be stress or any prolonged illness including some deficiencies. However, due to people gaining resources, there is an increased number of persons who opt for permanent solutions through surgery. It is not wrong to say that a surgical procedure is the most effective method of baldness treatment. The surgeons need to apply skills and care to perform a result yielding surgery. These days such surgeries are being done all over the world and there are many clinics and medical centers where such surgeries are performed. 

Hair transplant surgery South Africa patient details

Procedure date 15 October 2021
Patient Age32 years
Plan Front area 
Technique Micro FUE
Donor area Back & sides
Hair Type Coarse
Surgeon Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry
Contact +923334309999

Hair transplant surgery South Africa

Fue hair restoration South Africa patient


Popular hair restoration techniques South Africa

Hair transplant surgery South Africa is offered, with a vast array of clinics and surgeons to choose from. The procedure was first adopted to treat any accidental scars or gaps and due to the success of these surgeries, they became a cosmetic procedure. Nowadays, the results are refined and produce good and natural results but this was not the initial case. Previously, the result looked unnatural and often produced a bumpy scalp or hairs appearing to look as if they grew from the same follicle, making them look like ‘doll’s hair’. 
Hair transplant surgery in South Africa is performed in two basic ways, the strip method and the follicular unit extraction (FUE). The strip method involves removing a strip of skin from the area of good density and then dissecting it in smaller units and planting them on the bald patch. The FUE method is more technical since it involves the extraction of individual follicles and then impanting them on the bald patch. The FUE method is more commonly found since it produces better results without causing any scars to be formed. In FUT method, a scar is permanently left behind due to the removal of the strip. This scar may be covered by keeping the hair surrounding it at a certain length but the idea of a scar makes the look not as natural as that of the FUE method. The FUE method evolved with time and that is why the final look is much refined and has an increased demand. The latest technology of the FUE method is the Neograft; this is a mechanical device that extracts follicles with a vacuum motion and then implants them on the bald patch. The neograft is expensive than a manual procedure since it is a machine that does not involve manual labor. However, people prefer to get a manual surgery done since they trust human judgment more than a mechanical device. The robotic mechanism is trustworthy but there is no comparison with manual surgery since a skilled surgeon can assess the depth of each follicle better than any machine.

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