Ethiopia is an under developed state that has been hit by natural calamities. However, medical treatments and procedures are available in the impoverished state. A person looking for a good treatment may want to travel to other countries in order to experience good results. Ethiopia has been an impoverished country since the recent past but as all amenities of life are present, the medical field is also thriving and there are many good surgeons available in the country. These days medical tourism has increased, since people have gained awareness and resources to be able to travel to other places in order to receive quality treatments. There are some countries where good medical treatments are available at cheaper cost while the results are successful. Pakistan is one of the states where there is a heavy influx of patients from all over the world and therefore the doctors and surgeons in the country are experienced and skillful. Cosmetic surgeries have become a regular part of the medical field since there is an increased number of people who get these treatments to enhance their aesthetic beauty. Hair loss has become a problem due to increasing competition and stress levels. The same competition drives people to turn to methods of hair regeneration in order to look and feel more confident. The surgery is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries that is sought after by a large number of people. In Pakistan, there are numerous surgeons who can perform successful surgeries and a huge number of people from all over the world travel to Pakistan for a cheap but good surgery. A surgery involves removal of follicles, along with its supply system from an area where the growth is dense. These follicles are then planted on the patch of thinning or no growth. The surgeon needed to perform this procedure has to be experienced and skilled in order to produce good results. The results of a hair surgery are dependent upon the skill and artistry of the surgeon. In case the surgeon is not experienced, he may not be able to produce natural results. In previous days, the methods of hair transplantation did not produce very natural results. Very often the scalp appeared bumpy and the hairs appeared to be coming out of a single opening like doll’s hair. Nowadays, the surgical method of hair regeneration produces very natural results, thence making more people turn to this method. In Pakistan, the latest methods and techniques are being used, which do not cause pain and do not leave a scar at the transplanted area. There are basically two methods of hair transplantation; the strip harvesting and the follicular unit extraction (FUE). The strip method costs lesser and does not require skills as much as needed for FUE method. The strip method involves removal of a strip of hair from an area of good hair growth. This strip is cut off using sharp scalpel and then the wound is stapled together using stainless steel staples specially made for surgical use. The scar from this remains on the donor site. The strip extracted is then dissected in to smaller units and then planted on the recipient site. Usually, the donor site is the back of the head, or the sides of the head. This method is not very painful nd produces very few side effects. The FUE method requires more caution and skill from the surgeon. Each follicle is removed individually from the donor site and then planted on the recipient site, by making tiny incisions in the scalp. There are no marks or scars left behind. The side effects of this kind of surgery are minor. The patient may feel a headache or tightness in the scalp due to plantation. Other than this, swelling or redness may occur. These side effects are negligible and are often eradicated by following the post surgery care routine. Surgeons always prescribe use of pain killers and antibiotics for a few days following surgery. The patient is given pain killers for pain relief while the antibiotics are for avoiding any kind of infection. Usually, the surgeon also asks the patient to wash their head using a shampoo so that there is no sebum build up that my hinder the hair follicles from settling in. Usually, after surgery shock loss or hair loss due to surgery occurs. This is also a temporary condition and the hair start to grow back within a period of two to three months. Within ten months after surgery, the patient sees full hair growth.
Hair transplant forum in Ethiopia can provide people with various options to explore before they consult a surgeon for hair restoration.
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