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Hair transplant Delhi


India has come long way in the medical field and Indian doctors are famous for their skills and talent all around the world. All new cosmetic procedures are warmly welcomed in Delhi, India. People are also getting more and more educated on the medical related issues they are facing. Hair loss in India is as common as it is in any other part of the world. There are different reasons of baldness. In female usually it is the problem they face after child birth or crash diet, which is becoming fashion these days. Sometimes hormonal imbalances also result into thinning or finally alopecia. The deficiency of iron is the most commonly seen factor in female suffering hair fall. Men usually face alopecia due to genetics, endocrine malfunction, stressing daily routine, severe infections, traumas or some medical therapies. The problem is equally upsetting for both men and women. It brings vital changes in their emotional and social behaviour. It directly affects their confidence level. It is very important to cure it timely and consult the best doctor. Sometimes there is no need to treat  surgically; oral or topical medicine works for the baldness. Sometimes only hair transplant surgery is the best possible solution for the restoration.

Finding a good surgeon will half reduce your tensions and fears regarding the surgery. He will guide you honestly the system which is best for you and discuss all the factors related to hair restoration surgery. Like every surgery hair transplant is also need full concentration and care to control the risks and complications of the surgery. The surgery needs a qualified surgeon and well equipped clinic with an experienced staff. The surgery does not require the general anesthesia rather the area which has to undergo the surgery is mildly sedated with the help of local anesthesia. So the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure and it is completed within 5 to 8 hours. After that the patient can go back to home and the required medicines and post operative care is prescribed by the surgeon. Usually the antibiotic tablets are given to the patient after the surgery to prevent any infection. Some pain killers may also be advised for a day or two after the surgery to deal the discomfort that patient may witness after the surgery.

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