Hair Transplant Advice


Hair transplant surgery is simple and minor procedure under local anesthesia and one should know about hair restoration and hair transplantation procedure in advance. Hair restoration can be classified as non surgical hair replacement and surgical hair restoration. Hair loss surgery is a permanent and everlasting procedure where hair re grow naturally for rest of your life. There are different technologies for hair transplant surgery and one of them is follicular hair transplant procedure. Donor area follicles or grafts are removed and after careful dissection and separation under microscopes, follicles are implanted into the bald area. This whole procedure is performed under the supervision of skilled and trained hair transplant surgeon. Every year there are number of hair transplant clinics and hair transplant surgeons in the market and every hair clinic claims best hair transplant and restoration. We should look into their results and at least ten sets of before and after hair transplants. While looking for hair transplant surgery photos or pictures, one should analyze critically as many new hair loss clinics and doctors’ display pictures with camera tricks and photo shop software. The foremost priority should be to meet and see physically hair restoration patient’s result. This meeting will clear doubt, cosmetic aspect of the hair restoration and one may discuss side effects and complications with the patients after or during surgical hair replacement. The purpose of this website is to provide you full information about medical hair restoration, hair loss treatments and solution, corrective and repair of previous bad hair transplants.

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