Hair surgery questions

Every hair transplant aspirant wants answers to hair surgery questions he may have in mind. Here are some basic and common queries answered by expert dermatologists so that one can initiate a healthy natural looking hair makeover.

What is hair transplant surgery?

It’s a corrective cosmetic procedure in which a dermatological or plastic surgeon transfers hair follicles from one healthy part of the scalp to the bald part. The donor area can be any part of the body that has healthy follicles.

 What are common types of this procedure?

There are two major types;

What is a Follicular unit transplant?

It’s a traditional method and prevails until now for its benefits. In this restorative technique a strip of skin having healthy follicular units is taken off from the donor site (generally back of the head). The cut off skin is closed. Each follicle is separated from the skin by placing it under a very powerful microscope. Each FU is inserted into small incisions made on the bald part of the scalp. It works best for male pattern baldness. The only drawback it may have is, it leaves a linear scar but it can be covered with surrounding hair.

What is Follicular Unit Extraction?

FUE is the latest technology in restorative treatments. In this advanced method, rather than cutting off a strip, a single follicle unit is extracted directly from the donor site of the scalp and inserted individually into the bald part with the help of a pen-like device. It’s the most common and effective procedure nowadays

 Who can have a restorative operation?

This is a common hair surgery question, Male and females of all ages can go through it. However, surgeons usually don’t recommend it to very young patients as their hair loss can get worse as they age. Middle-aged men and women are the best candidates.

Only a doctor can examine the scalp and general health of the patient and then decide whether treatment is possible and beneficial for the patient or not.

 Is it a permanent solution?

Yes, it’s not like wigs or extensions. The follicles once implanted in the scalp will grow naturally for a lifetime. Each strand will complete the hair growth cycle, fall, and regrow naturally.

Is it a painful procedure?

The process is carried out under local anesthesia which means the patient will be awake and feel just a little pulling sensation but not pain.

Post-operation, the skin will be tender and may have some redness and swelling. This can easily be managed by taking medicines for a few days.

Can strands grown from implanted follicles be washed, cut, and dyed?

Among many hair surgery questions, it’s the most asked query, yes, they can be cut, dyed, and washed whenever needed.

How long is the procedure?

The time consumed for operations depends on the number of grafts to be planted or the level of baldness. Generally, it can take 4 to 6 hours for one session.

it can further be divided into multiple sessions if the number of grafts is higher than 2500. A 4000 grafts session will take at least 6 to 7  hours.

How long does it take to recover from restorative treatment?

The recovery depends on the individual patient, circumstances, and the kind of procedure the patient has gone through. In FUT the incisions are larger so they may take five weeks approximately to heal. FUE takes just two weeks to fully recover, however, most of the patients recover in 4 to 7 days. Patients are advised to follow some aftercare instructions to recover soon and avoid infections etc.

Are there any potential side effects?

Due to the surgical process, a little redness and swelling are normal, but if the surgeon is not qualified and he proceeded with the operation without proper health examination of the patient some side effects are possible.

  • Infection in follicles
  • numbness at the operated site
  • Folliculitis (follicular inflammation)
  • Crust or pus around the operated site
  • Unnatural growth pattern
  • Bleeding

How can i assess the best hair transplant clinic in Pakistan ?

It is very easy to assess best hair transplant in Pakistan from internet. Just write name of clinic and see his reviews, before and after hair transplant photos of at least ten patients. This will give you clear idea about results and repute of hair transplant clinics in Pakistan.


These are some hair surgery questions a person may be curious about. But for a better understanding of the whole process, it’s recommended to consult an experienced and skilled surgeon and discuss all the pros and cons of this treatment.

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