Hair restoration Dublin

The truth is that hair restoration Dublin results and outcome are highly variable. There are many aspects to consider when choosing surgical methods for baldness, and you can learn about them all by scheduling a consultation. Whatever you decide to spend on restoration is ultimately up to you. It’s vital to remember that getting a transplant is entirely optional; nobody has to have one. There are things to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to go through with a procedure, and here are a few:


  • NoteHair restoration Dublin cost is negotiable and the procedure of transplantation moves follicles from the back of the head to the recipient area, where thinning or loss may occur. If there is a lack of donor hair in the back of the head, then the transplant options can be limited at times. Most patients who visit us have treatment alternatives to help them achieve their goals.
  • Depending on the available funds: You may be an excellent candidate fulfilling all the requirements, but you may not have the money for it. That’s just fine, by the way. If you can’t get it all done in one sitting, don’t worry. When a patient can afford it and has shown some benefit from their initial procedure, it is not uncommon for them to return for further grafts a few years later after receiving their first round of treatment. Transplantation takes between 12 and 18 months to grow.
  • Everything you desire. It is feasible to undergo a procedure and spend €20,000 or more if you have the donor and the cash. When multiple transplants were conducted over several years, more than 4,000 grafts were placed in some instances.
  • Nothing for the time being, but who knows. An FDA-approved drug-like Minoxidil and a prescription are more suited for some patients than surgery. Both Minoxidil and this drug thicken existing sides and slow down or stop loss in many individuals who take them together. Hair transplant surgery is still an option in the long run because these drugs are not a permanent answer to loss. Many men’s baldness patterns are still developing in their 20s, so surgery may be unnecessary.

It is up to the person doing the transplant to determine the best course of action. It is possible to get a hair restoration Dublin– Ireland. Some people have a greater depth of knowledge. Some of them are reasonably priced. A few are pretty pricey.

Hair transplant Dublin Ireland cost

You get what you paid for at the end of the day. There’s a significant chance that anything that sounds too good to be true is.


If you’re looking for a good deal, you should shop around. Consider all of your choices. Please find out the skill of the transplant team and the qualifications of the doctors who will execute it. Many people travel abroad to Lahore Pakistan to get maximum grafts by Fue technique in less than â‚¬1500 so try this option and you will get your procedure abroad from a qualified and skilled surgeon, saving more than 70% of your money. 

Hair restoration Dublin– Ireland, the UK, and throughout the world is mostly unregulated. As a result, it may be difficult to tell what is excellent and terrible.

Remember, transplantation is a once-in-a-lifetime procedure. Your newly transplanted will stay in place for the rest of your life. The last thing you need is a poor transplant. Damaged skin transplants can be difficult and expensive to repair.

How Much Does It Command to Maintain?

Some clinics of hair restoration Dublin include additional charges, such as post-operative consultation fees and care expenditures, in their estimations for the procedure. No special shampoos, medications, or lasers are required to keep transplanted healthy. After a hair restoration in Dublin, some patients continue to get medical treatment for future shedding. Their non-transplanted side should not be a factor in this decision.


The term “expensive” has a subjective connotation. Nobody can argue that €10,000 or €20,000 is an enormous amount of cash. Many of our patients have pleaded that their procedure was the best investment they’ve ever made, so we take that as a compliment! This is a more significant long-term investment for them than any they’ve ever made on a high-end car. In one patient’s opinion, €20,000 over 35 years was an excellent investment because he wakes up and glances in the mirror every day with a positive outlook.

Hair restoration Dublin patient who traveled abroad to our clinic. Although such procedures are performed successfully in Ireland. Some hair loss treatment clinics are advertising on internet heavily but one should aware from such clinics and search carefully while selecting hair transplant clinic. There are many doctors abroad offering attractive packages and more number of grafts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an average cost in Ireland ?

The average cost is  â‚¬10,000 euro to â‚¬20,000 .

Where can i get cheap hair transplant through FUE technique abroad?

You can get FUE procedure in economical package like 1000 euro abroad and you will get 2000 to 3000 grafts in this package.  To contact abroad send us your close up photos of baldness. 

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