Hair loss treatment Kabul

Hair loss treatment Kabul is performed through Fue hair transplant technique. But now there is a new technique called stem cell activation where no more surgery is required. No more PRP and no medicine at all. It is a new and most advanced hair restoration technique where your weak, thin and fine hair can be converted into thick and normal hair. As time passes for genetic reasons, hair fall starts and ultimately partial or complete baldness is the result. The new technique stimulates inactive stem cells present in the base of hair roots and these activated with a special activator serum. There is no need for any interventional or invasive procedure. It is applied with micro needling or Derma roller and hardly takes 30 minutes . There is 10% to 15% improvement per month.
Hair regrowth without hair transplant

Best hair loss treatment | Regrow hair without Surgery 

Baldness is a common problem among men and every sufferer seeks help from a Dermatologist or specialist to control hair fall. Normally doctors suggest medicine consists of Finasteride and Minoxidil. Both these medicines have side effects and Finasteride causes erectile dysfunction, loss of sexual desire and libido. We can regrow hair if you have miniaturized or baby hair at your scalp through ” Stem Cells Activation: technique. No need to inject Exosomes as these may also facilitate cancer so we will activate your own stem cells which become inactive due to various reasons like aging , trauma , DHT hormone.

Hair loss Regrowth for Doctors training from Afghanistan

Doctors , Dermatologists or specialists who want to start non invasive treatment at their clinics may also contact us. We will train you so that you can perform stem cell activation procedures at your clinic independently and save thousands of people from hair transplant surgery in Kabul or abroad. The training of this procedure hardly takes one day and you can go back to Afghanistan to serve your people. Whether you are an experienced doctor or new in this field, we extend our help and cooperation for the propagation of this non surgical and non invasive technique.
Free Consultation | Call or WhatsApp | +923334309999
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