Hair loss treatment

Growing age brings along a very common problem which is baldness. With the advancement of age, one’s hair starts getting thinner and then eventually starts falling. A lot of factors other than age are also included in it.

Good hair is very important for a good personality. There are some causes that trigger the problem.

Thinning of Hair

A lot of factors cause thinning of hair. Use of excessive chemical products, over exposure to heat and sunlight, imbalanced diet and violent treatment like rubbing with some towel violently, washing with extra hot water.

Pregnancy & Childbirth

Pregnancy, childbirth, menopause sickness and a lot of stress is also a cause of it. There are many hormonal changes in women that cause this problem.

Use of Certain Medications

Alopecia is a side effect of strong medication. You must complete a course to avoid it. Stopping the medication without asking your doctor causes health problems which lead to loss of hair.

Scalp Diseases

  • Infection of Scalp
  • Scalp Psoriasis

Infection may lead to inflammation in certain areas which causes bald spots in the head. Psoriasis is a disorder that leads to raised, reddish patches. It can be one patch or many or even in the worst cases can be the entire scalp.


It is a hair pulling disorder in which a patient can’t resist the urge of pulling his hair. In some cases he might not know that he’s doing this. Patients usually do this in stress, anxiety or depression. And the process makes the hair weaker and ultimately they fall off.


Some sexually transmitted infections trigger patchy fall of hair. Such as HIV, Herpes etc. These infections cause hair loss not only in the scalp but in the beard, eyebrows as well.


If you are not taking a good and proper diet or eating a lot of junk or unhealthy food you may get sick and it can cause loss of hair.

Treatment of cancer

You may have seen cancer patients bald after treatment. This is because of radiation treatment or chemotherapy on the neck or head. This may cause complete loss  of your hair.

Deficiency of Certain Nutrients

Deficiency of iron, zinc, protein etc. also triggers hair fall.

Hair Pulling in Hair Styles

Common cause of hair loss in women is pulling in hair styles. This causes thinning and weakening which have adverse effects.

Deficiency of Vitamin D

Vitamin D stimulates follicles. Its deficiency can cause a noticeable alopecia.


Smoking is very bad for your hair. It reduces the circulation of blood in your head thus causes the hair fall or stops the growth.



Hair transplant is the process of taking follicle from a donor area and inserting them in the areas with less density

There are two procedures of hair transplant.

In FUT, you remove a patch of skin which has an abundance of hair from the back of your scalp. Then you remove the follicles from that patch and insert it where you have less density.

In FUE, you remove the follicles directly from the scalp and then insert it where it is needed.

Hair transplant is considered a surgery and it is painful and costly.

Low level laser therapy

LLTD is an effective treatment. It is not dangerous. It decreases the swelling in the follicles which do not allow hair to regrow.

Corticosteroid injections

Alopecia can be treated by injecting corticosteroids. It effects real soon and you may notice  growth within a month.

Avoid smoking

As described earlier smoking stops the growth or even triggers the shedding. It also causes graying in young age. So you should quit smoking.


Scalp massage is good for the people who have been having hair loss. When you massage your scalp the blood circulates in your head and it causes the growth.

De-stress and relaxing

As stress is harmful hair as well as your health you should try to distress yourself. It can be done by doing yoga. Relaxing yourself most of the time and note taking a lot of stress can repair.

Oiling your hair

Oiling is really good. It not only reduces the shedding but it also smoothen and thickens your strands. So far better hair you must oil regularly.

Use of onion water

Onion water is really useful for the growth of new hair. So hair loss can be treated by applying onion water on your scalp.

Balanced diet

Balance diet is really important for good health. If you have good health, you will have good hair as well. Having nutrients in the proper amount in your body also treats your damage hair and hair fall.

Drink plenty of water

By keeping yourself hydrated you can reduce the chances of dandruff. 10 reduces the rate of hair fall.

Washing Hair Regularly

If you keep your scalp clean by watching them regularly you can control hair fall. The chances of infection on clean scalp are less.

It is always better to take precautions before you start losing your hair due to any of the mentioned factors.


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