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Hair follicle growth

Hair follicles are found in every human and their function is to produce strands that cover the body in variable thickness and length. The follicles consist of a few hair fibers, which are produced, grown and eventually lost through a life cycle. The life cycle is divided into three parts, the growing phase, the resting phase and the falling out phase. The duration of the life cycle is dependent upon many things such as the genetic set up, diet quality and stress taken by the individual. Nowadays many people suffer from deficiencies of vitamins and minerals and this affects their growth. Hairs become weaker and eventually fall off sooner than they normally should last. With age, the resting period of hair growth cycle elongates and the individualā€™s hair growth is slowed down.Ā 

There are three stages of hair follicle growth, which are also known as cycle of follicle growth. The first stage is known as the Anagen phase, which is also known as the growth phase of the cycle. It usually spans up to six years. New hair is produced and then they gradually gain nutrients and grow longer and thicker. It takes a maximum of six years for a strand to grow to its maximum length. The scalp has ability to grow hair up to one meter in length, however, depending on each individualā€™s capacity and supply of nutrients, the maximum length may vary. Then comes the Catagen stage, which spans about one to fourteen days. The gland starts to shrink, constricting nutrient supply and this causes growth to stop. The hair maintains its present thickness and length and remains shiny for up to fourteen days. The third stage, telogen, is when the hair loses viability and falls off. After the 14-day catagen phase, the hair loses its life and eventually falls off within a few days. The growth is totally halted in this stage and after the hair falls out, the follicle starts a new cycle. For any person who wants to get aĀ hair transplantĀ done, it is essential to observe the hair cycle. Once the length of each period is observed and concluded whether the person is totally healthy or not, the hair transplant can be done. In case the person has any kind of abnormality in the cycle, it is better to get it treated before the transplant procedure is started in order to eradicate any chance of theĀ transplant failure. This is because, if the abnormality is not corrected and the procedure is carried out, there is a chance that the hair loss will start again, Patients are always anxious about the hair follicle growth after the hair transplant treatment and in case of any hair loss they get worried about theĀ hair transplant results. This is not something to worry about since every individual loses strands after any kind of surgery. The new hair follicles grow within a period of three months and within a year of surgery the individual has a full growth on the patch that was once bald.

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