Hair transplant clinic Karachi

Pakistan is one of those countries where medical tourism has significantly increased during the recent years. This increase is attributed to the latest facilities and equipment along with the skill and expertise of doctors and surgeons. Karachi is one of the biggest cities of Pakistan where good surgeons and latest technology is in abundance. A patient has many names to choose from as all of them are well qualified. Hair surgeries require skilled surgeons for long lasting results and natural looks. Hair restoration surgery is done in two ways, the strip method and the follicular unit extraction (FUE). The strip method involves removal of a strip of hair from an area of good hair growth. This strip is then dissected into smaller hair units which are planted on the bald scalp. This method leaves a permanent mark at the back of the head or where the hair has been extracted from. The hair growth at the back of the head is good in a majority of cases therefore it is a good donor site in most of the cases. The FUE method involves extraction of hair follicles independently and these follicles are then planted on the bald patch one by one. This method requires more skill than the strip method therefore it is recommended that a candidate does some research prior to the procedure. It is essential that the surgeon and patient develop a rapport so that any ambiguity or query can be asked and answered comfortably between the two. Pakistani doctors and surgeons are famous for their amicable behavior and that is why patients are comfortable in discussing things with their surgeons. The surgeons usually provide a consultation before the surgery to clear and explain all the steps of the procedure and to prepare the candidate about what to expect. Once the surgery is finished, surgeons always prescribe painkillers and antibiotics so that the patient does not suffer from the minor side effects of the surgery. In Karachi, there are many places where a candidate can find good accommodation and get the surgery done in a comfortable environment. Hair transplantation is a simple surgery since it is performed by giving local anesthesia and so the patient is awake. The wounds from surgery are not major due to which there is no healing period except for a few days which is usual. In a majority of cases, the hair is planted near the hairline and on the top of the head. This means that small incisions are made very near the forehead. This may cause a slight headache for a few days following hair loss surgery. This pain is due to small wounds on the head and once the healing process starts this pain subsides. Apart from this, the candidate may experience some swelling in the surrounding area as well as the recipient site. This is also due to the use of sharp instruments and newly planted hair that the regular system of the body has been interfered with. These side effects are so minor that they can hardly be considered substantial. In some cases there may be redness and a stretchy feeling on the planted area but that is also normal since the scalp has been touched and incised. The patient’s stay and surgery are both comfortable in Karachi and therefore there is a better chance that the patient will respond well to the surgery since the peace of mind and body enhance the results of the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any hair transplant clinic in Karachi?

There are many clinics in Karachi providing hair loss and baldness treatment.

What is the price range at hair transplant clinic in Karachi?

The price range is 50,000 to 80,000 Pak Rupee in an average centre.

What is the best hair transplant clinic in Karachi?

Many doctors claim best clinics but one should assess after viewing reviews and before and after photos.

How to contact the best hair restoration surgeon in Pakistan?

The best hair restoration surgeon is Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry who is trained & qualified from Paris France and has 23 years of experience in this field. To get his expert and honest opinion you may send your photos through WhatsApp +92-333-430-9999

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