Hair implants for women


Hair implants for women in Lahore Pakistan is performed successfully in selected cases as every female is not a candidate of this procedure. Nowadays, even if a woman has good growth, the use of wigs and extensions is common. As the fashion keeps changing and hair cannot be grown shorter or longer in a matter of days, women turn to using wigs and extensions to give themselves the desired look. However, in women who suffer thinning, we observe the use of all kinds of products while a majority of them want a permanent solution to this problem. Generally men keep their hair shorter and therefore immediately after a surgical procedure, if they have no hair on the head or incision marks are visible it is acceptable. Apart from scars, in the case of strip method the scar at the back of the head is hidden through hair. Another factor is that in case follicle is taken from the scalp it can grow longer, but in some cases, if the follicle is extracted from arms or legs, the texture is different and hence it might not look natural. The need for long and good-textured hair for women is like a necessity. This narrows down the available cures for hair restoration. 

Hair implants for women

Hair implants for women specialist clinic Lahore

Very few women have the type of hair loss that makes them good candidates for surgical procedure. Most women have diffuse pattern instead, an overall thinning in all areas of the head, including the sides and back, which are the areas that act as donor sites in men. It is from these sites that the follicle is removed for hair transplantation to other areas of the head. In men, the donor sites are called stable sites, which mean that follicles in those areas are not affected by the dihydrotestosterone found in the body which shrinks follicles on other areas of the head. 

Do hair implants work on women

In female pattern baldness, donor areas are usually unstable and thinning. This implies that if a surgeon performs a surgical procedure on a woman whose donor site is on the scalp, the transplanted graft will also fall out in some time. Body hair does not have the same texture as scalp so the final look may not be as natural as it should be. Another difference between male and female pattern baldness is the frontal hairline. Unlike men, women with hair loss tend to keep their frontal hairline. They don’t have to worry about require a hair restoration to frame their face and are instead more concerned about the loss of volume from the top and back. Hair transplants, though, don’t do much to increase volume. It just moves graft from one place to another.

Good candidate for hair implants in females

There is a small percentage of women who are good candidates for this surgical procedure. This includes women who have suffered baldness due to mechanical or traction alopecia. Apart from this, women who have had previous cosmetic or plastic surgery and are concerned about the incision sites can also get successful hair implants. Women who have a distinct pattern of baldness, similar to that of male pattern baldness can get this procedure since there is a chance of a potential donor site on their scalp.

Best medicine for hair fall and regrowth female

The best medicine for females is tab iron as mostly there is deficiency of iron due to menses , pregnancy , lactation and PCOS. Second best medicine is Tab Vitamin D 3 as most women also have deficiency of it. However, it is strongly advised to get an initial consultation from our clinic FREE and initial laboratory tests to properly diagnose the cause of shedding and thinning.
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